
Showing posts from January, 2018

Twin Mythconceptions: False Beliefs, Fables, and Facts about Twins

Event Date: Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 2:00 pm Speaker: Dr. Nancy Segal Dr. Nancy Segal, the world’s leading expert on twins, has a new book that sheds light on over 70 commonly held ideas and beliefs about the origins and development of identical and fraternal twins. Using the latest scientific findings from psychology, psychiatry, biology, and education, Dr. Segal separates fact from fiction. Each idea about twins is described, followed by both a short answer about the truth, and then a longer, more detailed explanation. Coverage includes embryology of twins, twin types, intellectual growth, personality traits, sexual orientation of twins, marital relationships, epigenetic analyses, the frequency of different twin types and the varieties of polar body twin pairs. This book, and Salon with Dr. Segal, will inform and entertain behavioral and life science researchers, health professionals, twins, parents of twins, and anyone interested in the fascinating topic of twins and what the

'Human Chimera': Man Fails Paternity Test- Genes In Saliva Different In Sperm

It is thought cells from a miscarried sibling were absorbed by the man while he was in the womb A US man has failed a paternity test after doctors revealed his dead twin, whose DNA the man absorbed in the womb, is the genetic father of the child. The 34-year-old man is the first ever reported case of a paternity test being fooled by a human chimera, someone with extra genes absorbed from a twin lost in early pregnancy. What a human chimera is, and why there could be more than we know? Approximately one in eight single childbirths are thought to start as multiple pregnancies and occasionally cells from the miscarried siblings are sometimes absorbed in the womb by a surviving twin. According to Buzzfeed , the Washington couple took a paternity test after their son’s blood type didn’t match that of either parent. After having a child with the help of fertility clinic procedures, they feared that sperm donors may have potentially been mixed up After the initial failed fertility test, they

Intersex Model Hanne Gaby Odiele

Aaron Hicklin L ike many models, Hanne Gaby Odiele has a lovely limber angularity. Sitting in a Manhattan restaurant booth she seems to open and close like an umbrella, expanding when she’s in full flow, folding up when she’s mulling something over. Folded up and closed off was how she felt for a long time. As a child, she knew something was different about her. She spent a lot of her summers undergoing surgery, and was aware that she would be unable to have children, but the why was always left vague. “The medical world tells us that we should not talk to anyone about it,” she says. “Always, I was told to hide.” In this way, children like Odiele are taught to be ashamed of a fundamental aspect of their identity: they are intersex. It’s difficult to calculate the exact number of people who are intersex, but interACT Advocates for Intersex Youth estimates it to be about 1.7%, which is about as common as having red hair (1%-2%). It took a long time for Odiele, now 28, to come out of hid

'I Am My Own Twin': Woman's Rare Genetic Condition

Cindy Arboleda December 19, 2017 Taylor Muhl first noticed she was different as a little girl in dance class. She discovered that she was the only one in her class who had a straight line running down the center of her torso, halving her body into two different skin colors. Muhl’s parents had consulted doctors, who wrote off the physical abnormality as a simple birthmark. However, her two-pigmented body was something much more complex than just a birthmark. As Muhl grew older, her health began to deteriorate. “I Am My Own Twin” I have a genetic condition called, Chimersim. I’m a fraternal twin who fused together with my sibling in the womb. I carry my twins genetic make up within my own body, which is the second color skin pigmentation on my torso. There’s only 100 cases documented in the world at this time. I’m on a mission to spread Human Chimera awareness and it’s link to autoimmune. _ This photo was shot outdoors in natural light, in cold weather by celebrity photographer @jimjorda