Taking a Deeper Look at the Vanishing Twin Syndrome

By Teshna Beaulieu, DC | Certified NET Practitioner

7 Maple Ave. Philmont, NY 12565 | 518-672-4019 | teshnab@taconic.net

Subject Covered by the Article:

So many people have been affected by the loss of a Vanishing Twin. I have identified several categories describing the modus operandi of VTS survivors which can help someone clear all the ramifications caused by the trauma of losing a loved one so early in the human experience.

Many times I have found that people have had the VTS come up in NET sessions relating to one or more of the aspects described below. However, I found that many aspects have3 not come up yet even though they may be affecting the person’s life. This is a way of exploring these aspects on purpose and clearing them independently of any other topic.

Summary of the NET Procedure:

This is a procedure containing many steps found useful to help a person feel better about themselves, freer to be who they are and have their needs met without fear of terrible consequences to themselves or others. Feeling good about oneself is so important and so many people are suffering from low self-esteem. I found that it all goes back to the VTS for many patients.

The addendum provides a list of all the Categories I have identified so far. You probably will come up with others. To help people zero in quicker on what kind of beliefs might be there, I included an exhaustive list of unwanted beliefs about life for each Category. A very effective way to state these personal declaratives (PD) is the following:

“I can let go of the belief that life means being a …”

You can also use this approach for anyone who would like to fine tune their beliefs about life, love, or improve the relationship they are in by clearing one or both partners.

You will need to use a few techniques presented at previous Eagles such as the one I presented, “Getting to the Heart of the Artichoke” (Teshna Beaulieu, DC, Eagles 2002). This is where you have the person rate themselves from 0 (no stress) to 10 (extreme stress) on how upsetting the issue is. Let’s say it is a “10”. Test them on: “I am OK with…(whatever the issue is)”. Do NET as usual. Once processed, rate it again. If they say “6” ask them what the “6” is about. What aspect of the issue comes up. Whatever they say you use it to go in again and do NET as usual. Repeat the process until they rate the issue at zero.

Another technique that will save you a lot of time is the one I presented in 2003 on page 12; “A Time Saving Tip to Uncover and Clear all the Active Emotions within the Involved Meridian of an NEC”. This is where once you found which MAP is involved in the usual NET protocol you test all the emotions on that MAP to find all the ones that apply. Then while the person is holding the MAP, the emotional points and thinking of the original snap shot you say each one of the emotions out loud for them to clear one after the other or all at once. You may have to say them a few times as they breathe them out to help them remain focused on all of them.

Whatever your beliefs are about life will determine what and who you attract in your life, and what and who you are attracted to. This is an approach designed to help someone stop attracting in their life the repetition of their womb experience and start attracting exactly what they want instead. Have fun!

Actual Clinical Case and Results Using This Procedure:

A man had been in an abusive relationship after another for years and would find an excuse for every abuse his mate was doing. We knew he had a Vanishing Twin (VT) from previous NET sessions. We tested him for “I can let go of the belief that love/life means being a doormat.” He went weak on that and we found the Kidney MAP negated the weakness. We found the emotions of fear, dread, paralyzed will, and impending doom. The original time went back to when he was 3 months in utero. He felt that standing up for himself had caused the twin to vanish. He had never been able to stand up for himself since, putting up with anything just to make sure people would not vanish out of his life. He rated himself at a 7 after clearing the first MAP. What came up for him was being terrified of being alone. He went weak on that thought and we found the Adrenal MAP to negate that weakness. The emotions of paranoia, can’t figure it out, muddled thinking, muddled instability, and emotional instability were present. We went back to the womb again for the original time. He felt that standing up for himself had resulted in ending up all alone and terrified that “something” bad might happen to him too. After that he rated himself a 4. What came up was feeling hopeless when alone. The Pancreas MAP negated that and the emotions of lack of control over events, hopeless, despair, nervous, stifled, worry, and over-concerned tested weak. Again we went back to the womb for an original event. After clearing that one he rated himself at a zero.After that session, he found he could stand up for himself with his current mate without fear that she would leave him and even considering leaving her if she persisted in being abusive. He could hardly believe he was the same person.

Step by Step:

You can use this procedure with anyone who had a VT.

  1. Have the patient say: “I can let go of the belief that life means being a doormat.” As an example, if they go weak find which MAP negates it and proceed as usual with NET protocol
  2. Using a scale of 0-10, have patient now evaluate their stress when thinking about the word doormator about whatever was uncovered in the first step. Then ask them what comes up when they think about it. Clear what it is as described in my paper of “Getting to the Heart of the Artichoke”(Teshna Beaulieu, DC, Eagles 2002) until they rate themselves at a zero.
  3. Test the patient with the opposite statement. For example, “I can allow myself to believe that life means standing up for myself.”
  4. You can also test the person saying, “I can let go of the belief that love means being a doormat.”As an example, if they go weak, find which MAP negates it and proceed as usual with NET protocol.Test: “I can allow the person I love to stay with me even when I stand up for myself”, “I can feel loved by someone who stays with me when I stand up for myself”, and “I can love someone who stays with me when I stand up for myself.” For more details refer to my paper “Mending a Broken Heart and Manifesting the Relationship of Your Dreams” (Teshna Beaulieu, DC, Eagles 2005).
  5. Test the suggested PDs for that category using the same method as above.
  6. Test each one of the categories the same way.

Equipment Used with this Procedure:


Nutrition Found Useful with this Procedure:


NET Remedies Found Useful with this Procedure:

#9 ER 911 or any of the other remedies that show up as per usual NET protocol.

Patient Management Skills or Phrases Found Useful:


What Someone Who Uses this Procedure Can Usually Expect:

Someone who will feel a lot freer to be themselves without fear of dire consequences.

Average Time to do this Procedure:

The whole technique will likely take many hours of NET. However, it can be broken down into many smaller sessions to accommodate your schedule and the patient’s desire to get it done fast or over time.


Here are the Categories I have identified so far:

  1. The Survivor: People who will justify any action to assure their survival. They have to be always right. They always get to the food first and take as much as they can. They are still making sure they won’t starve like their Twin did.
  2. The Savior: People that end up in the Healing or caring profession (like us), doing their best to save everyone as if they were saving their Twin over and over.
  3. The “can’t loose weight” one: People who are unable to loose weight no matter what they do because part of them believes if they loose weight they will vanish and die like their Twin did.
  4. The Eternal Single: People who are unable to be in a relationship because they are so afraid that if they love someone, that person will leave them or die. They can’t take the chance of getting hurt like that again.
  5. The Depressed One: People who just can’t allow themselves to be happy/healthy because they feel undeserving of having a good life because their twin didn’t.
  6. The Doormat: People who feel they always have to acquiesce/give in to the people they love to make sure they’ll stay with them. It’s never ok to say no to a loved one because they will leave or die.
  7. The Timid: People who are afraid of taking the space they need because they believe it is what killed their twin. They want to avoid harming anyone ever again so they make themselves invisible.
  8. The Worrier: People who are always worried they are missing something important that will result in trouble for them or the ones they love. They can be obsessive/compulsive, constantly checking and double-checking everything to make sure every thing is ok.
  9. The Paranoid: People who are paranoid that something bad will happen to their loved ones or themselves as it happened in the womb.
  10. The Guilty: People who feel they did something wrong. It’s all their fault. They believe it is harmful to others for them to live fully or even just be themselves. They believe their twin died because of them being alive or taking what they needed.
  11. The Abandoned One: People who have been abandoned over and over again through deaths or leaving; repeating the womb experience.
  12. The Low Self-esteem One: People who feel they are not good enough because they were unable to save their twin.
  13. The Addict: People who use addictions, i.e. cigarettes, as a trusted friend who won’t ever leave them; contrary to their twin.
  14. The “Still Living Through the Twin” One: People who are aware of another being wanting to do things through them, sometimes talking to them. The twin is still there with them.
  15. The Hyper-responsible One: People who feel responsible for everything and everyone trying to make sure no one ever gets hurt again because of an oversight on their part.
  16. The “Can’t be Alone” One: People who have to be in a relationship all the time. They are terrified of being alone again (as in the womb).
  17. The “Can’t Have a Live Child” One: Women who have repeated miscarriages/abortions reliving the dying fetus experience.

List of PDs

I am ok with:

  1. Having my own intention and surrendering to/receiving it without fear of harming someone.
  2. Being who I am.
  3. Being born even though my twin did not.
  4. Being alone.
  5. Believing I can spend time alone without hurting anyone/being in danger.
  6. Enjoying spending time alone.
  7. Sharing space with another.
  8. Remaining strong around others.
  9. Feeling confident.
  10. Making decisions without fear of dreadful consequences.
  11. Letting go of the dread of making the wrong decision.
  12. Taking action now.
  13. Disagreeing/agreeing with others.
  14. Being at peace with the fact that I had to let my twin go in order to survive.
  15. Being truly grateful for being alive.
  16. Being truly grateful for my twin vanishing to allow me to be alive.
  17. The fact that I did not know what to do to help my twin.
  18. Letting go of identifying with my twin.
  19. Feeling whole by myself.
  20. Feeling protected even without my twin.
  21. Letting go of looking for that part of myself that vanished.
  22. Letting go of wanting to be alone/abandoned.
  23. Letting go of my outrage of being left.
  24. Going on without my twin.
  25. Letting go of the fear of ever finding a mate.
  26. Being heard, seen, touched, loved.
  27. Being taken care of.
  28. Being in a relationship.
  29. Letting go of my fear of being close to someone.
  30. Letting go of my fear of being hurt.
  31. Letting go of my fear of getting what I want because someone will die when I do.
  32. Being accepted/rejected.
  33. Trusting my emotions/feelings.
  34. Knowing what I want.
  35. Letting go of blaming another for my situation.
  36. Pleasing myself.
  37. Doing what is right for me without fear of hurting someone.
  38. Stopping walking on eggshells with the people I love.
  39. Standing up for myself.
  40. Clearing the parasites out of my life.
  41. Loving my body the way I am.
  42. Having a live body even though my twin lost theirs.
  43. Feeling joy, satisfaction, creativity.
  44. Being playful.
  45. Being all I can be.
  46. Believing I am good enough to receive/give.
  47. Deserving the best.
  48. Trying to meet another’s needs.
  49. Believing everything is in Divine Order.
  50. Listening to others.
  51. Being happy/healthy.
  52. Deserving being happy.
  53. Deserving to thrive even though my twin vanished.
  54. Feeling empathy/compassion for people instead of over-sympathy.
  55. Allowing people to take care of themselves.
  56. Being here without my twin.
  57. Crying/screaming.
  58. Letting go of blaming myself for everything.
  59. Letting go of trying to make up for not being able to save my twin.
  60. Letting go of feeling I have to fix the world to compensate for loosing my twin.
  61. The fact that I may be unable to please everyone.
  62. Letting go of my desire to disappear.
  63. Letting go of being suicidal.
  64. My mom/dad/twin.
  65. The fact that my twin died.
  66. Forgiving my twin for leaving me.
  67. People leaving me.
  68. My kids leaving me when they grow up.
  69. Feeling empty.
  70. Sleeping soundly even though my twin died while I slept.
  71. Sleeping the whole night.
  72. Sleeping without fear of dying in my sleep.
  73. Taking a step for myself.
  74. Letting go of guilt/pain/feeling selfish about doing things for me.
  75. Doing what I need to do for myself no matter what anyone thinks/needs.
  76. Feeling good about making my life happen.
  77. Letting go of my fear of dying/being killed by a bigger force than I.
  78. Letting go of my fear of being unable to take care of myself without my twin/mate.
  79. Letting go of feeling so much over-sympathy for my twin that I am unable to relax/eat when hungry.
  80. Being strong by myself.
  81. Having my needs met.
  82. Wanting things for myself.
  83. Having needs.
  84. Being a girl instead of a boy.
  85. Being a boy instead of a girl.
  86. What happened to my mom when she was pregnant with me.
  87. What happened in my family life when I was in utero.
  88. My birth/gestation time.
  89. Being good to myself.
  90. What happened to me/my twin when I was in the womb.
  91. Having a life of my own.
  92. Having a place of my own.
  93. Being outgoing/social.
  94. Living/dying.
  95. Existing in the world.
  96. Connecting to life/with people.
  97. Letting go of being invisible to the world/to feel protected.
  98. Removing the screen/barrier between me and the world.
  99. Not knowing what to do.
  100. Finding joy in my life.
  101. Feeling good.
  102. Feeling confidence in myself.
  103. Feeling alive inside.
  104. With God/God is ok with me.
  105. With speaking my truth.
  106. Letting go of my fear of moving/breathing/talking/falling.
  107. Being quiet/loud.
  108. Talking first/last in groups.
  109. Waiting to speak in spite of my eagerness.
  110. Interrupting people.
  111. Letting go of the fear that I people will find out something about me that is awful and will tell me about it.
  112. Having a peaceful life free of drama.
  113. Relaxing in social situations.
  114. Going with the flow in social situations.
  115. Being with people.
  116. Letting go of feeling affected negatively by what others say/do/feel.
  117. Letting go of wanting to be beaten up physically/psychologically/psychically.
  118. Taking action to protect myself.
  119. Living without being blamed by others.
  120. Letting go of wanting to feel isolated.
  121. Being single.
  122. Being courageous.
  123. Letting go of my fear of moving forward.
  124. Playing the game without knowing the rules.
  125. Expressing myself.
  126. Letting go of the pain of a life not lived.
  127. Trusting my gut.
  128. The way I am.
  129. Feeling secure.
  130. Allowing stability in my life.
  131. Letting my mate do their own thing.
  132. Being included in decision making.
  133. Taking control of my life.
  134. Taking up space/taking the space I need.
  135. Letting go of the feeling I should shrink away if someone wants my space.
  136. Making myself big.
  137. Allowing myself to believe I deserve things as much as other people.
  138. Rooting myself.
  139. Discerning what belongs to me.
  140. Being strong around my mate.
  141. Being powerful/powerless and still be loved.
  142. Honoring my integrity/words.
  143. My mate honoring his/her words.
  144. Forgiving my twin for not keeping his/her words.
  145. Letting go of feeling betrayed by my twin.
  146. Being independent/dependent on a man/woman.
  147. Being successful/being a failure.
  148. Letting go of feeling conceited if I succeed.
  149. Letting go of the fear of success.
  150. Communicating with others.
  151. Talking about what is really going on.
  152. Talking about the truth.
  153. Understanding others.
  154. Being understood.
  155. Believing that I am basically clean and good.
  156. Believing that I am worthy of being loved.
  157. Feeling good about myself even amongst people.
  158. Doing things I need to do.
  159. Having more energy.
  160. Being in good physical condition.
  161. Getting up and feeling optimistic.
  162. Getting up easily.
  163. Doing regular activities.
  164. People saying no to me.
  165. Being intimate with a man/woman.
  166. Being romantic with a woman/man instead of feeling like she/he is a sister/brother.
  167. Being married/divorced.
  168. Getting pregnant.
  169. Letting go of my fear of getting pregnant.
  170. Getting pregnant.
  171. Delivering a live baby even though my twin died in the womb.
  172. My reproductive organs being healthy/functional.
  173. Having had an abortion/miscarriage.
  174. Forgiving myself for having had an abortion.
  175. Sex/having sex as a part of my life.
  176. Being a woman/sexual woman, being a man/sexual man.
  177. Having a healthy sexual relationship with a partner.
  178. Asking for what I want.
  179. Being fertile/infertile.
  180. Stopping suppressing my reproductive system.
  181. Allowing my femaleness/maleness to flourish.
  182. Having healthy normal reproductive organs.
  183. Remaining pregnant until full term.
  184. Having the baby in my body.
  185. Being a mom/dad.
  186. Having a baby.
  187. Delivering a live baby.
  188. Welcoming the baby.
  189. Keeping the baby.
  190. Taking care of the baby.
  191. Letting go of my fear of losing the baby.
  192. Having a body.
  193. My inner being.
  194. Enjoying living in my body.
  195. The unfamiliar feeling of being well in my body/mind/spirit.
  196. Loosing weight.
  197. The weight I am at now.
  198. Being fat/thin.
  199. Being rejected/accepted.
  200. Feeling protected no matter how much I weigh.
  201. Feeling I can survive/thrive no matter how much I weigh.
  202. Letting go of the fear that I’ll vanish like my twin if I loose weight.
  203. Finding myself/others.
  204. Keeping food/energy for me.
  205. Getting thinner.
  206. Weighing ___pounds less.
  207. My clothes/rings becoming too big.
  208. Becoming a stick.
  209. Being skinny.
  210. Being attractive/sexy.
  211. Looking great.
  212. Feeling good about how I look now.
  213. Being powerful through being attractive.
  214. Being big in the world without being big in my body.
  215. Being in control of my eating.
  216. Accomplishing the things that are important to me although my twin died.
  217. Relaxing when I sleep.
  218. Feeling edgy/at peace when I wake up in the night.
  219. Needing to be around people all the time.
  220. Being by myself/with someone.
  221. Attracting a trustworthy mate.
  222. Paying for my own needs.
  223. Allowing someone to pay for my needs.
  224. Asking for money to be paid to me.
  225. Taking care of myself/my own needs first.
  226. Trusting my opinion no matter what happened in the past.
  227. Allowing men/women to be attracted to me.
  228. Letting go of the fear that I won’t measure up to what a mate thinks of me.
  229. Believing that I am good enough to be with a man/woman.
  230. Being happy although my mate is not.
  231. Feeling alive whether or not I am with a man/woman.
  232. Believing/allowing my relationship to be long-term.
  233. Committing myself in a love relationship.
  234. Attracting a man/woman who will be able to handle who I am without fear.
  235. Finding my mate.
  236. A man/woman finding me to get married.
  237. Having a long-term partner.
  238. Being in a couple.
  239. Saying no to needy people.
  240. Saying no verbally instead of getting sick so I have an acceptable reason to say no.
  241. Saying yes.
  242. Verbalizing love.
  243. Feeling lonely.
  244. Being lost/afraid.
  245. Feeling good about being alone.
  246. Allowing love in my life.
  247. I can let go of the belief that:
    1. It is unsafe for others/for me to take care of myself/love myself.
    2. I am selfish if I get what I need.
    3. If I show my inner self/commitment to a man/woman he/she will reject me.
    4. I am a black sheep.
    5. If I am a trustworthy mate we’ll separate.
    6. I am a big mistake/I should have been unborn like my twin.
    7. I did something wrong.
    8. I deserve to be punished for causing my twin’s death.
    9. I have to suffer.
    10. I have to put myself in a position to be hurt.
    11. Something major is wrong with me.
    12. I have to let other people be right even when they are wrong.
    13. It was my fault my twin died.
    14. If I survive, someone will die/get hurt.
    15. I need to resist against what is happening in order to survive.
    16. No matter what/how much I do, happiness will elude me.
    17. If I speak my truth, someone will get hurt.
    18. If I speak my truth, someone will leave me.
    19. It is impossible to be a complete man/woman in a relationship.
    20. It is impossible to be safe in a relationship.
    21. Love is unsafe.
    22. Loving a man/woman is unsafe for a woman/man.
    23. I can only be loved by a man/woman who is untrustworthy.
    24. No matter what I do, something is going to go wrong in my relationship.
    25. I have to suppress my ability to conceive.
    26. I have to terminate my pregnancies by abortion/miscarriage.
    27. I am going to loose the baby.
    28. I need a man/woman to survive.
    29. I am unworthy to live.
    30. I am unworthy to get what I want.
    31. If I let go of anything I’ll die.
    32. I have to be responsible for other people.
    33. I have to save everyone.
    34. I have to feed everyone so they won’t die of starvation.
    35. I am at the mercy of external forces.
    36. I am unable to protect myself without my twin.
    37. I need excess fat as food for a rainy day/for protection.
    38. I need to be heavier/gain weight in stressful situations.
    39. If I get lighter, I’ll shrivel up and die like my twin did.
    40. I need to overeat/eat all day to survive.
    41. I am unable to thrive without my twin.
    42. I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
    43. I am a victim.
    44. I have to acquiesce to a man/woman or else they will die.
    45. I have to have a man/woman in my life even if they are a bad spouse/partner.
    46. I have to protect the world.
    47. I have to protect/save myself against external forces.
    48. I have to eat when I’m alone.
    49. I am not supposed to be here (on this earth).
    50. If people really knew me they would not like me.
    51. I am unlovable as I am.
    52. I have to keep a part of myself away.
    53. I am always doing something wrong.
    54. Life means never being enough.
    55. Life means being invisible.
    56. Life means being unheard.
    57. Life/love means I am causing the ones I love to leave me.
    58. Love is conditional.
    59. My addiction(s) is(are) my only trusted friend(s).
    60. My addiction(s) is(are) the only friend(s) I can trust to stay with me.

Have Fun!!

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